Shipping Worldwide
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Shipping Policy

Shipping Cost

To find out shipping costs, add a product to the cart, enter your shipping info and you will be given a price.

Do you ship internationally?

We do indeed ship internationally. Please note shipping times will vary a lot. Sometimes orders can take up to 28 days to arrive.


We use tracked shipping whenever possible. After your order has been shipped, you can find the track and trace link on the order status page.

Where do you ship from?

We ship from Australia, Canada, Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Your order will be shipped from the location closest to your shipping destination to ensure speedy fulfillment and delivery.

Expected dispatch times

Your orders needs a few business business days to be produced after your order has been completed.

Estimated shipping times

Shipping times will vary. To find out the estimated shipping time, add a product to the cart and enter your shipping info. Though, no rights can be derived from these estimates. International orders can sometimes take up to 28 days due to customs. Unfortunately we have no control over this.


We try our best to ship our orders so you incur no custom charges. Sometimes however on occasion there can be customs charges which are unavoidable. We are not responsible for these costs and they can vary depending on location.
1. Estimated fastest available delivery date. This delivery date is not guaranteed. Our terms of service apply. Please refer to the displayed delivery dates in the checkout form for the most up-to-date information.